Product Description
Mystic Sleep contains 100% herbal extracts from 8 botanicals used for thousands of years in India’s Traditional Medicine System (Ayurveda) to treat insomnia. Our proprietary formulation delivers 164 natural phytonutrients (plant nutrients) that exert 411 synergistic activities on your body to promote restorative sleep.
Regulates sleep-wake cycle to promote, deepen, and extend sleep
Reinforces Natural Sleep-Wake Cycle (through extracts of Jatamansi)
Exerts Sedative Actvities on your Body (through Ascoridole, Beta-Sitosterol, Carvone, and Glycine from herbal extracts)
Calms your Mind (through extracts of Ashwagandha, Gotu Kola, Dwarf Morning Glory, and Celastrus)
Prolongs Sleep Duration (through Alpha-Tocopheral, Limonene, and Magnesium from herbal extracts)