Product Description
Freedom is a system that detects a wandering event, and alerts you as soon as your family member moves out of the safe zone that you set, day or night. Freedom comes equipped with GPS (or Global Positioning System), which it uses to provide the time and location of the emergency event by SMS (text) or email. Or, if you’ve opted to use our 24/7 call center, the person you’ve nominated will be alerted with that same information by phone within minutes. Those at risk can summon help by pressing the panic button on the Freedom’s wristwatch. The GPS in the watch supplies the time and location of the emergency event by SMS (text)or email/they’ll alert whoever needs to know with that same information by phone within minutes. This means that they are able to summon help quickly and discreetly, any time, anywhere. Require 1 year contract when product is registered. $50/month for secure web portal including Email and Text Alerts
The Freedom system comprises a wristwatch incorporating GPS and GSM locator with lockable strap, a portable receiver, and a charger base
Requires 1 year Contract for secure web portal, tracking, email, & text message alerts which is $50/mo.
The portable receiver sends out a signal that’s picked up by the watch and transmitted back. Materials Case: High-Impact Polycarbonate; Band: Non hypoallergenic rubber
Positioning < 10ft outdoor RF range; 35ft max indoor, 100 yards, max outdoors, users variable (high, medium, low) As far as the wearer is concerned Freedom is a digital watch. It is affixed to the wrist as a normal wrist watch but has a locking feature which can only be removed by using the special release tool. [amz_corss_sell asin="B007HXLV6A"]